
Protecting and promoting the existing and future well-being
of the residents and communities of the settlement area
having regard to the interests of all Canadians.



SLUPB Response to written submissions received on the SLUP Amendment Application - March 14, 2017
The SLUPB has posted written submissions received to the January 9, 2017 Sahtu Land Use Plan Amendment Application, as well as the SLUPB’s review of those comments to its online registry.  These documents as well as the Amendment Application and all scoping documents can be found at: www.sahtulanduseplan.org/am2015-01. Any questions should be directed to Scott Paszkiewicz, the SLUPB’s Executive Director, at exec_director@sahtulanduseplan.org, or 867-598-2055.
Sahtu Land Use Plan Assessment Report - February 3, 2017
The Sahtu Land Use Planning Board is releasing the Sahtu Land Use Plan Assessment Report prepared by HTFC Planning and Design.  The assessment was conducted to fulfill the Board’s mandate to monitor the implementation of the Sahtu Land Use Plan.  The report is being released to inform those with an interest in land use planning in the Sahtu in advance of the Plan’s 5-Year Review.   Any questions should be directed to Scott Paszkiewicz, the Board’s Executive Director, at exec_director@sahtulanduseplan.org, or 867-598-2055.
Notice of Amendment Application - January 9, 2017
A Sahtu Land Use Plan Amendment Application has been filed by the SLUPB.  Proposed amendments pertain to the rezoning of lands in Proposed Conservation Initiative Zone 41- Nááts’ıhch’oh that were not included in the final boundary of the Nááts’ihch’oh National Park Reserve of Canada.